1:31 PM

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Usa, spopolano i party delle coccole


È l’antidoto contro l’alienazione, lo stress e la solitudine della nostra era: i party dove perfetti sconosciuti si incontrano per abbracciarsi, accarezzarsi e farsi le coccole. Ma senza alcuna mira di tipo sessuale.

I «party a base di coccole» sono nati nel febbraio 2004 dalla mente di Reid Mihalko e Marcia Baczynski, due coach esperti di relazioni interpersonali che vivono tra New York e Los Angeles. «Le nostre feste sono workshop strutturati e sicuri dove si possono abbattere la timidezza e le paure sociali, attraverso la comunicazione, l’intimità e la tenerezza», spiegano i due amici sul sito cuddleparty.com, dove definiscono la loro creazione «un modo per incontrare persone affascinanti in un ambiente rilassante, assolutamente privo di droghe ed alcol».

Corriere della Sera
Usa, spopolano i party delle coccole

2:33 AM

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Lazio - Aerei: Blu- express un nuovo volo Roma- Brindisi

FIUMICINO (ROMA), 7 LUG - Si espande il network di Blu-express.com.; dal 31 luglio sara' attivo un volo giornaliero tra Brindisi e Fiumicino. I voli sono previsti dal lunedi' al venerdi' e la domenica. Tariffe da 24,99 euro a tratta tasse incluse e biglietti acquistabili dal sito www.blu-express.com. ''I passeggeri romani hanno l'opportunita' di volare low cost verso Brindisi ma anche Lecce, Taranto e il Salento'',dice il direttore commerciale di Blu-express.com, George Michalopoulos.
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2:30 AM

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Nell'aria c'è passione! - Da oggi Iberia offre i voli in code sharing con Vueling

Airbus A319-100Image via Wikipedia

Da oggi, con il completamento della fusione tra i vettori clickair e Vueling, i voli con il codice di volo Iberia IB5000, serie di voli già operati in code sharing con clickair, saranno gestiti da Vueling. Vueling ha ora una flotta di 35 aeromobili che serve 45 destinazioni in Spagna, in Europa e Nord Africa. Da oggi i clienti di Iberia potranno volare direttamente verso alcune importanti mete europee con più frequenze e più posti disponibili sui voli operati in code sharing. Mentre la maggior parte della serie di voli IB5000 opererà sullo stesso programma stabilito in precedenza, i numeri di volo potranno essere modificati così, a partire da oggi, Iberia modificherà e rinnoverà automaticamente i biglietti interessati già emessi senza ulteriori richieste ai passeggeri che li possiedono. I passeggeri che desiderano avere più informazioni possono visitare il sito http://www.iberia.com/mybooking/ per ulteriori dettagli.
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2:27 AM

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Meridiana-Eurofly offre voli last minute su Wokita.com

Eurofly Airbus A330Image via Wikipedia

Meridiana-Eurofly avvia la vendita diretta di voli last minute sul sito del tour operator del gruppo, Wokita.com. Nella sezione “Last minute voli” si troveranno destinazioni come Maldive, New York, Mauritius a partire da 90 euro, per volare il giorno stesso o nei tre giorni successivi. Per esempio: il volo di sola andata con partenza dopodomani da Roma per New York costa 90 euro tutto compreso a persona, oppure il volo da Malpensa a Mauritius con partenza tra tre giorni viene offerto a 100 euro per persona, tutto incluso, sola andata.

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2:17 AM

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Volo cancellato? Sul rimborso decide il giudice della città di partenza


Domingo Aéreo 2007Image by Alexandre Chang via Flickr

Per i rimborsi sui voli cancellati è competente il giudice del luogo di partenza o di arrivo dell'aereo. La Corte di giustizia di Lussemburgo con la sentenza C-204/08 depositata oggi, stabilisce una regola chiara sulla scelta del foro competente nel caso la Compagnia rifiuti di pagare l'indennizzo forfettario, compreso tra i 250 e i 600 euro, previsto in caso di cancellazione del volo. I giudici di Lussemburgo precisano che nei voli intracomunitari, il criterio che deve essere adottato nell'individuare il tribunale competente è quello del luogo che garantisce il "collegamento più stretto tra il contratto in causa e il giudice competente", quindi quello dove viene effettuata la principale fornitura dei servizi: dalla registrazione del passeggero all'imbarco, dalla partenza nell'ora prevista allo sbarco in condizioni di sicurezza. Non c'è dubbio, secondo il Collegio di Lussemburgo, che i luoghi strettamente collegati al servizio - che il vettore si è impegnato a rispettare con il contratto – sono quelli della partenza e dell'arrivo. Vince così il suo ricorso un passeggero tedesco che si era visto rifiutare dalla Corte d'Appello il diritto di adire il giudice della città di partenza - come stabilito in primo grado – e imporre la competenza del tribunale del luogo dove il vettore aveva la sua sede statutaria. Nel luogo di principale stabilimento della Compagnia aerea, spiega la Corte di giustizia, vengono infatti svolte operazioni - come la predisposizione di aeromobili o equipaggi adeguati – che sono solo logistiche e preparatorie all'esecuzione del contratto. La fornitura del servizio, da cui deriva l'obbligazione contrattuale, viene svolta invece nella meta di arrivo o di partenza.
Il Sole 24 ORE
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1:42 AM

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Orario Voli: partenze e arrivi dei principali aeroporti italiani su iPhone e touch

Un applicativo provvidenziale che permette agli utenti di iPhone/touch di avere sempre in tasca gli orari aggiornati di tutti i voli in partenza e in arrivo dei principali aeroporti italiani. Mai più corse inutili o noiose attese: su App Store a 1,59 euro.

Quante volte ci è capitato di correre come disperati per essere puntuali in aeroporto solo per scoprire che il nostro volo è stato posticipato di un'ora e più? Corse disperate ma anche lunghe, noiosissime attese per accogliere una persona in arrivo saranno un ricordo del passato una volta acquistato e installato Orario Voli sviluppato dall'italianissimo Roberto Ferorelli. Sfruttando il collegamento a Internet solo via Wi-Fi per iPod touch, su rete cellulare e Wi-Fi per iPhone, il software permette di avere sempre sotto mano tutti gli orari di arrivo e di partenza dei voli dei principali aeroporti italiani.

Bari, Bergamo, Brindisi, Firenze, Foggia, Milano Malpensa e Milano Linate, Napoli, Pisa, Roma Fiumicino, Torino, Venezia e Verona mentre con la versione 1.1 del programma sono stati inclusi anche Catania e Palermo. Orario Voli permette di visualizzare sullo schermo di iPhone/touch non solo gli orari programmati, gli stessi visualizzati sui vari schermi sparsi per l'aeroporto, ma anche le variazioni inclusi ritardi e anticipi previsti. Può essere acquistato su App Store a soli 1,59 euro: un piccolo investimento rispetto al servizio offerto.

Fly to new york:
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1:40 AM

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Orario Voli: partenze e arrivi dei principali aeroporti italiani su iPhone e touch

Un applicativo provvidenziale che permette agli utenti di iPhone/touch di avere sempre in tasca gli orari aggiornati di tutti i voli in partenza e in arrivo dei principali aeroporti italiani. Mai più corse inutili o noiose attese: su App Store a 1,59 euro.

Quante volte ci è capitato di correre come disperati per essere puntuali in aeroporto solo per scoprire che il nostro volo è stato posticipato di un'ora e più? Corse disperate ma anche lunghe, noiosissime attese per accogliere una persona in arrivo saranno un ricordo del passato una volta acquistato e installato Orario Voli sviluppato dall'italianissimo Roberto Ferorelli. Sfruttando il collegamento a Internet solo via Wi-Fi per iPod touch, su rete cellulare e Wi-Fi per iPhone, il software permette di avere sempre sotto mano tutti gli orari di arrivo e di partenza dei voli dei principali aeroporti italiani.

Bari, Bergamo, Brindisi, Firenze, Foggia, Milano Malpensa e Milano Linate, Napoli, Pisa, Roma Fiumicino, Torino, Venezia e Verona mentre con la versione 1.1 del programma sono stati inclusi anche Catania e Palermo. Orario Voli permette di visualizzare sullo schermo di iPhone/touch non solo gli orari programmati, gli stessi visualizzati sui vari schermi sparsi per l'aeroporto, ma anche le variazioni inclusi ritardi e anticipi previsti. Può essere acquistato su App Store a soli 1,59 euro: un piccolo investimento rispetto al servizio offerto.

Voli da Milano
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4:37 AM

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Per il 4 luglio riaperta la Statua della Libertà

New York: Statua della Liberta' - Lady LibertyImage by serdir (at home) via Flickr

Oggi, 4 luglio, nel giorno dell’Indipendenza, la festa nazionale più importante degli Stati Uniti, è stato riaperto al pubblico l’interno della Statua della Libertà, chiuso dagli attentati dell’11 settembre 2001.

Chi volesse visitare questo monumento-simbolo non solo della città di New York, ma anche delle molteplici possibilità offerte a chiunque vada negli Stati Uniti, deve affrettarsi a prenotare, visto che fino a marzo 2010 c’è già il tutto esaurito.
United states travel
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12:20 PM

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Flug und Flüge billig buchen: z.B. günstig ab Flughafen Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Köln, München, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Nur-Flug Suche im www - lastminute.d

Verzeihen Sie, aber wir würden gerne kurz angeben: hier finden Sie Linien-, Charter-, Low Cost und Billig-Flüge von 300 Airlines. Alle Preise sind ohne versteckte Kosten: alle Steuern und Gebühren sind schon drin und den Preis, den Sie sehen, ist der tatsächliche Preis. Fliegen können Sie mit uns weltweit: ob Flug nach New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Dubai, Phuket, Singapore, Tokio oder wohin sonst Sie einen Flug billig buchen wollen - hier ist die Landebahn, um last minute Flug und billige Flüge zu buchen.

Unsere Lieblings-Flug-Geschichte

Der Boxer Mohammed Ali hielt sich ja bekanntermaßen für den Größten. So saß er eines Tages im Flugzeug und als die Stewardess ihn vor dem Abflug bat, sich anzuschnallen, sagte er: Superman braucht sich nicht anzuschnallen, ihm passiert nie etwas. Die schlagfertige Stewardess antwortete: ich dachte ein echter Superman braucht kein Flugzeug, weil er selbst fliegen kann. Mohammed Ali hat sich daraufhin sofort angeschnallt.
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5:45 AM

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Réservez votre voyage : billets de train et d'avion, séjour, hôtel avec voyages-sncf.com


Un peu d'histoire

Septembre 2007
Les Lauréats de la première édition des Trophées du Tourisme Responsable sont dévoilés lors d’une grande soirée de remise des prix.

Juille 2007

Voyages-sncf.com lance un portail dédié au tourisme responsable

Juin 2007

Après le succès de sa campagne « Panneaux », élue préférée des Français en 2006, Voyages-sncf.com invente de nouvelles affiches : Mique-aux-noces ou Yste-en-boule et innove encore en lançant la publicité participative qui permet aux internautes de créer leur propre panneau.

Voyages-sncf.com s'invite sur Second Life® et organise sa première soirée virtuelle pour fêter le lancement du TGV Est Européen.

Mai 2007

Voyages-sncf.com poursuit son engagement et propose désormais aux voyageurs français de compenser leurs émissions de CO² liées à leur transport.

Mars 2007

Voyages-sncf.com crée les Trophées du Tourisme Responsable

Janvier 2007

Rachel Picard est nommée à la Direction Générale de Voyages-sncf.com.

Décembre 2006

Objectifs confirmés avec une croissance de 33% en 2006 et un volume d'affaires de 1,541 milliards d'euros.

Novembre 2006

Lancement du Voyazine : nouvelle rubrique du site conçue comme un véritable magazine en ligne pour préparer son voyage.

Octobre 2006

Lancement de l'EcoComparateur® : l'outil du choix responsable dans le domaine des transports pour trouver le moyen de transport le moins cher, le plus rapide ou le moins polluant en un coup d'œil.

Septembre 2006

Lancement de l'Espace Pro du site Voyages-sncf.com qui est un espace personnalisé et sécurisé, dédié aux professionnels qui souhaitent réserver eux-mêmes leurs voyages professionnels sur Internet (billets de train, billets d'avion, locations de voiture et réservations d'hôtels).

3 juillet 2006

111 000 billets de train vendus dans la journée : l'équivalent de 315 TGV !

Mars 2006

Lancement de la campagne de publicité « panneaux »: quatre visuels associent la marque aux grandes destinations du monde à travers des panneaux signalant l'entrée des villages qui présentent une orthographe revisitée à la « sauce » française : « Nouillorc », « Quancoune », « Losse-en-Gelaisse » et « St-Gapour ».

Top Com 2006 : Catégorie Affichage : Top Com Argent pour Panneaux

Grand Prix l'affichage 2006 : Grand Prix et grand prix Grand Prix du public

Décembre 2005

Voyages-sncf.com clôture l'année sur un volume d'affaires de 1 159 millions

Juin 2005

Voyages-sncf.com fête son 5ème anniversaire.

Mai 2005

Voyages-sncf.com lance une campagne de publicité sur un ton décalé autour du site Transatlantys.com :
plus d'un million de visites, 50 000 inscrits au jeu, 66 000 citations sur Google.

Top Com 2006 : Prix Spécial de l'expression - Catégorie campagne de pub : Or

Grand Prix l'affichage 2005 : Mention pour la campagne

Phénix UDA 2006 : Prix dans la catégorie campagne transversale

Avril 2005

Voyages-sncf.com innove encore avec le calendrier des meilleurs prix. L'idée : permettre à
l'internaute de trouver les meilleurs prix pour voyager en train 8 jours avant ou 13 jours après la date choisie.

L'année 2004

Voit la création de nouveaux services comme Alerte Résa, SMS+ et Loisirs+ chaleureusement
accueillis par le grand public.

Décembre 2004

Voyages-sncf.com affiche encore une croissance soutenue avec un résultat net consolidé de 9,5
M€ et un volume d'affaires de 784 millions d'euros.

Novembre 2004

Lancement d'iDTGV® dont Voyages-sncf.com est le premier distributeur.

Juillet 2004

Mathias Emmerich remplace Denis Wathier au poste de Directeur Général de Voyages-sncf.com.

Avril 2003

Lancement des offres Prem's, offre de Denière Minute et Billet Imprimé™ : plus de
800 000 billets vendus à fin 2003 dont plus de 500 000 Billets Imprimés®.

Juillet 2002

Voyages-sncf.com atteint la rentabilité sur l'ensemble de ses activités et présente
un volume d'affaires consolidé de 122 millions d'euros à la fin du 1er semestre 2002 (+ 69% par rapport à la même période en 2001), pour un chiffre d'affaires de 5 millions d'euros.

L'année 2001

Se clôture avec une augmentation de 78% du volume d'affaires qui s'élève
à 162 M€. Depuis la fin 2001, Voyages-sncf.com développe des partenariats forts avec des acteurs clé du voyage, de la fidélisation, de la location de voitures… enrichissant ainsi ses services et son offre.

Decembre 2001

Voyages-sncf.com s'allie à l'acteur américain Expedia, le leader mondial du voyage
en ligne et obtient sa licence d'agence de voyages.

Avril 2001

Lancement du nouveau moteur de réservation.

Septembre 2000

Lancement du portail de voyages www.voyages-sncf.com. L'année 2000 s'achève avec
un chiffre d'affaires de 89,5 M€, quatre fois supérieur à celui de l'année précédente.

Juin 2000

Création de la filiale Voyages-sncf.com SA qui a pour objectif de concevoir un véritable
portail de voyage, proposant plus que des billets de train.

Septembre 1997

Le site www.sncf.com (informations sur les tarifs et les horaires) est crée et devient en octobre 1998
un site d'e-commerce (réservation en ligne, actualité commerciale).

12:24 AM

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New York John F Kennedy International Airport Information


New York John F Kennedy International Airport
New York John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK)

The most important airport in New York is also the largest in the United States. More than 40 million passengers use John F. Kennedy Airport each year, mostly called JFK for short. Two other airports around New York (La Guardia and Newark) process another 60 million passengers together, which brings the total number of air travelers in the region of New York to 100 million per year.

JFK has nine terminals, but Terminal 5 is closed for renovations at this time. JFK invested more than 10 billion dollars in renovating the airport. Terminals 1, 4 and 7 are already renovated.

Local transport


The AirTrain JFK concludes in the station Howard Beach on metro line A. There is also a connection with the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) in Jamaica Station. Moreover, you can change over to local busses there.

Car and bus

The airport is 24 kilometers southeast of Manhattan, the heart of New York. The airport is along the Van Wyck Expressway (I-678). To reach Manhattan you follow this road to the north to the intersection with I-495 (Long Island Expressway). There you follow in the direction Eastern Long Is/Manhattan. Exit 17W brings you to I-278 that leads through the Williamsburg Bridge to the centre of Manhattan.

The New York Airport Express Bus Service maintains a direct connection with the central bus station in New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal), the Grand Central Station (train station) and Penn Station (metro station). Regular city busses also connect the airport to several destinations in New York, and furthermore there are long distance busses to several places in Long Island, Westchester, Upstate, Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

You can also choose the Super Shuttle Manhattan, a bus that goes to every destination in Manhattan and you take off from the door.

Car rental New York JFK Airport

In all Arrival Hall there are counters for the car rental companies Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz and National. You can also reserve a rental car in advance using the service EasyTerra provides. They compare the rates of several providers in a single quote.


Many ‘yellow cabs’ are in front of the Arrival Halls (tel: +1(0)212 692 8294). There is a fixed rated of $45 (2007) charged for a ride to and from Manhattan.

Limousines with a driver can be reserved through Classic Limousine (tel: +1(0)631 567 5100) and Tel Aviv Car and Limousine Service (tel: +1(0)212 777 7777).

Airport Parking

There are parking areas and/or garages in front of each terminal. For the first hour you pay $3 per hour with a maximum of $30 per day. The area for long term parking is 6.5 kilometers from the terminals, along Lefferts Boulevard. There you pay $15 for the first day, then $5 for each eight hours of parking. Take into account that it takes you 30 minutes to get from the long term parking to the terminals. For more information about parking at JFK call tel: +1(0)718 244 4168.



There is one hotel established at the airport: Ramada Plaza Hotel (tel: +1(0)718 995 9000). There are many other hotels in the vicinity of the airport, including Best Western JFK Airport (tel: +1(0)718 977 2100), Comfort Inn JFK (tel: +1(0)718 977 0001), Holiday Inn JFK (tel: +1(0)718 659 0200), Hilton Garden Inn (tel: +1(0)718 322 4448) and JFK Courtyard by Marriott (tel: +1(0)718 848 2121). These and other hotels have a free shuttle bus connection with the airport. In all Arrival Halls there are counters for hotel reservations. For more hotels and reserving online you can go to Booking.com. They have a large offering of hotels with great internet rates.

Shops and restaurants

There is an enormous offering of shops and eating and drinking places at JFK Airport. If you cannot find what you are looking for you can always take the AirTran to another terminal. Keep in mind that the total travel time along the terminals amounts to eight minutes.


For lost and found items you can call tel: +1(0)718 244 4225.

There are two places where you can store baggage: in the Arrivals Hall of Terminal 1 (tel:+1(0)718 751 2947) and in the Arrivals Hall of Terminal 4 (tel: +1(0)718 751 4020). Depending on the size of your baggage it costs $4 to $16 per day.


In all terminals there are kiosks from Traveler’s Aid where you can get information about the airport and assistance with for example your airline ticket or a lost passport. The main office of Traveler’s Aid (tel: +1(0)718 646 4870) can be found in the Arrivals hall of Terminal 6. There are also general information counters from the airport. The personnel are recognizable in their red jackets.

In the baggage halls you can find information counters about public transportation.


In all terminals there are facilities such as fax, computers with internet and courier services. The Ramada Plaza Hotel (see Hotels) offers extensive business services. This hotel has flexible dividable meeting and conference rooms for 50 to 600 persons.

Handicapped persons

The airport is accessible for handicapped persons. There are wheelchair ramps and adapted elevators and restrooms. In all terminals there are text telephones available. In the parking garages there are places reserved for handicapped travelers where they can park their car with a reduced rate. You can also reserve one of those places through Five Star Parking (tel: +1(0)718 244 4168).

Other services

In all terminals there are banks, money exchange offices and cash machines. There is a fully equipped post office (tel: +1(0)718 995 3368) in Building 250 on North Boundary Road. In the Arrivals Hall of Terminal 3 you can rent a mobile telephone. The medical centre is in Building 198, and you can call for First Aid at one of the service counters or through tel: +1(0)718 656 5344.



John F Kennedy International Airport
Building 14
New York 11430
United States of America

Telephone, fax, email

Telephone: +1(0)718 244 4444
E-mail: through the contact form

Airport codes

IATA airport codes: JFK
ICAO airport code: KJFK


New York John F Kennedy International Airport Information @ Airport Desk

12:23 AM

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New York Mets, Star-Ledger stuck in Florida a little while longer - New York Mets baseball


PALM BEACH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT -- The Mets were supposed to be in the air by now. So was I. But we're all stuck here on the tarmac because of a ground stop that is delaying all flights to New York. Something to do with the weather, the captain says.

Of course, I'm on a commercial flight, not the team charter. But from my window, I can see the Mets' plane in the middle of the tarmac. Players got off the buses and boarded, and the buses are gone. But the plane is still there.

It'll be interesting to see if the Mets get special treatment from air traffic control. A source vaguely familiar with the situation (the flight attendant on my plane) tells me the Mets are stuck in the same delay that we are.

So we wait, stuck in Florida for who knows how much longer.

UPDATE, 7:23 p.m.: Mets spokesman Jay Horwitz said the team has been told its flight can take off at 8:13 p.m. No such luck for the commoners over here on this flight. I will continue this important live blog until the Mets take off or until my laptop battery conks out.

UPDATE, 7:59 p.m.: The stairway is still set up alongside the Mets' plane. A couple guys are standing outside at the top of the stairs, but I can't make out who they are. I'd love to be a fly on the wall on that plane right now. You have to understand, as much as these guys are used to traveling and the hassles that sometimes come with it, this is no normal flight. Pitchers and catchers reported to camp a month and a half ago, and some players arrived even earlier -- the first week of February -- to start working out. Some left for the World Baseball Classic, some stayed, but all are eager to get out of Florida, get back to New York and move into Citi Field Friday. Jerry Manuel wasn't joking when he said Wednesday that he wanted Thursday's Grapefruit League finale against the Baltimore Orioles to be a quick game so the team could get out of here as soon as possible. And now they're stuck, for at least a little while longer.

UPDATE, 8:05 p.m.: The Mets are now taxiing to the runway.

UPDATE, 8:11 p.m.: We have lift off -- I think. All I know is the Mets' plane is gone and mine is still here. But you've probably heard all you care to hear about that.

See more in Brian Costa


12:11 AM

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New York Mets open Citi Field with 4-3 exhibition win over Boston Red Sox - New York Mets baseball


Francisco Rodriguez reacts after striking out the last batter to close out a 4-3 Mets exhibition win over the Boston Red Sox in brand-new Citi Field.

NEW YORK -- There were hard-hat construction workers outside and scattered "wet paint" signs inside. Fans wandered the concourses and players roamed the clubhouse, all still trying to find their way around the new ballpark.

In almost every respect, the Mets' exhibition game against the Boston Red Sox Friday was more of a dress rehearsal than a grand opening for Citi Field.

But for all that remains a work in progress, the Mets can be sure of one thing:

The tarp works just fine.

Video: The Mets play their first game at Citi Field

Photo slideshow: The Mets get their first look at Citi Field

The grounds crew left it out all afternoon as steady rain fell, and rolled it out again when the rain returned during the sixth inning, causing a one-hour, seven-minute delay. The Mets won, 4-3, but the weather made for an unpleasant backdrop for the first major-league game ever played at Citi.

"We expected it was going to be cold," Mets center fielder Carlos Beltran said. "But the rain of course makes everything different. The grass is wet. The game is slow." Still, Beltran added, "It was good to be out there."

The Mets were thankful they got to play at all after rain forced them to take batting practice indoors. Players got a quick look at the stadium late Thursday night, when they returned from spring training in Port St. Lucie, Fla. But Friday was their first opportunity to settle in and get acquainted with the field.

"It was a lot of rain," said Mets starter Livan Hernandez. "I came to the field wondering what was going to happen -- whether we were going to play or not."

Tickets for the game sold out within 45 minutes online earlier this month, and the announced attendance was 37,652. But there were a noticeable amount of empty seats, with some fans perhaps deterred by the weather and others more interested in walking around the ballpark.

It was not the first game played at Citi Field, which hosted a college game between St. John's and Georgetown on Sunday. Still, there were cameras flashing from the stands throughout the evening as several historical footnotes were made.

Hernandez threw the first major-league pitch in stadium history, a ball to Red Sox center fielder Jacoby Ellsbury to start the first inning. Beltran recorded the first out, snagging Ellsbury's fly to center.

The next batter, Dustin Pedroia, had the first hit on a short fly to right that turned into a ground rule double when it bounced into the stands along the third-base line. The first run came on a double by Red Sox first baseman Chris Carter, driving in J.D. Drew.

But those were about the only plays that counted for much. The Mets were more concerned with getting comfortable in their new surroundings.

Many players arrived earlier than they normally would for a regular-season night game hoping to spend extra time on the field in the afternoon. Outfielders, in particular, needed all the practice time they could get to learn how the ball is likely to play off the wall.

"I need to work the wall," Mets left fielder Daniel Murphy said. "I need to get a feel for what the ball is going to do when it caroms down the line. It looks like there's not a lot of foul territory, so anything that might get snatched down the third-base line, it might ricochet out into the playing field."

But the rain forced players to remain indoors for most of the afternoon. Right fielder Ryan Church said he arrived at about 11:45 a.m. hoping to take some extra fly balls. But the only thing he got familiar with was the game room in the clubhouse.

"I'm still trying to get the high score in the pinball machine in there," he said.

New York Mets open Citi Field with 4-3 exhibition win over Boston Red Sox - New York Mets baseball - NJ.com